Thursday, August 18, 2011

MOVIE REVIEW: Super 8 (2011)

Hi everyone, I know this is long overdue, but understand: I was quite busy in between the time I saw this and am currently sitting down to write this review. But in a nutshell - I finished moving into my new apartment and passed my Contracts final for law school! It only took half the week for my professor to disclose the results whilst I waited as a nervous wreck. But enough about me...

Super 8, as evident by it's name, is a love-letter from the production/direction team of Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams to amateur filmmaking. In the late 70s, young Joe Lamb is doing makeup and special effects for his friend, Charles' zombie film, when a mysterious UFO crashes into an adjacent trainyard. Narrowly avoiding death, Joe and his pals investigate the wreck and discover the trappings of a government conspiracy, and a strange object with an unexplained purpose. When the mysterious alien begins rampaging around the neighborhood, Joe and friends must band together in order to figure out why the creature came to Earth and what they can do to stop it.

Super 8 is pretty much The Goonies meets War of the Worlds (or maybe even E.T.), but that is to say the film takes the best elements of those films, and perhaps even other works of Spielberg and melds them into a charming pastiche of science fiction, filmmaking and retro appreciation, and family drama. The latter is what the film initially appears to set itself up as. Once the "invasion" occurs though, it's a completely different ball game that may seem a little jarring to some, but makes sense once you factor in a lot of the exposition that was elaborated upon earlier. I don't really have much else to say about the actual film itself without spoiling what would be crucial plot details that manifest in many parts of the film throughout, but I will say it's an incredibly enjoyable romp that takes drama and action and weaves them both in the ways that only Spielberg is experienced in doing. A solid addition to the summer movie lineup.


- Jon

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