Saturday, May 28, 2011

MOVIE REVIEW: The Hangover Part II (2011)

Most of the time by watching the trailer, I can sense what kind of a sequel a sequel is going to be from a mile away. After seeing the trailer for The Hangover Part II, I was very afraid. "This is the exact same movie!", was the thought swimming through my head, as I stared slack-jawed at my screen. The only way I knew this film could be good was if it still managed to be almost as funny, but even more outrageous than the first. So now that I've seen it, I can oddly enough say that Hangover II is this decade's Home Alone 2 - An obvious re-hash that managed to surprise me by how funny and ridiculous it still managed to be.

Somewhere between the first and the second movie, Stu fell out with his hooker Vegas-bride and is now engaged to a gourgeous Thai beauty named Lauren. Two nights before the wedding, Alan embarrasses Stu before his fiancee's rigid father, then Stu, and his "three-best-friends-that-anyone-can-have" take Lauren's teenage, med-student prodigy brother, Teddy down to the beach for a bonfire, complete with beer and marshmallows. They wake up the next morning in a dingy Bangkok hotel, without a clue how they got there. Doug and Teddy are both missing, and in their place is a mischievous monkey. All hell breaks loose as the three take to the streets as culture-shock and insanity ensue.

You don't need to have seen the first one to enjoy the second, and contrary to the general consensus, most people who I know loved the first one will enjoy this one. I guess I happen to fall into the camp of the latter, since I loved the first one so much. The more-of-the-same gags were fun, in a revisionist sense; like Stu's tattoo and Mr. Chow's full-frontal nudity, but they're either mildly predictable, or mostly spoiled in the trailer. Yet, where the film excelled was by taking some of the gags (especially those for shock value) above and beyond the pale. In some instances, Hangover II does manage to out-gross it's predecessor with the shock-gags. Even if the plot was predictable itself, because everything was playing out almost exactly the same as before, the air of mystery was still present, as I still wondered "How the heck are they really going to get out of this one?". I guess I'll still hold the first Hangover, near-and-dear to me, because of it's freshness, and for the fact that said quality actually allowed the humor to be more effective. But make no mistake, it's re-hashed sequel is still enjoyable, and took me by surprise with it's humor quite a few times.


- Jon

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