Monday, April 11, 2011

MOVIE REVIEW: 300 (2007)

There are some people I know who really love 300, and others I know who really hate it. Mostly it's due to the fact that the source material's author, Frank Miller, has a strong cult following, and the film adaptation follows the graphic novel to a tee. Others that I know, find the film disgustingly innacurate and offensive to both Persians and Greeks, alike. Also, add to the fact that the action has no redeeming values, other than it's shot entirely in slow-motion. For me, 300 is just a fun movie that happens to have some glossy, edgy production values. It's safe to say, it's unlike anything I've ever seen before.

Set at the time of the Battle of Thermopylae in Ancient Greece, King Leonidas decides to settle a score with his longtime rival; the Persian king, Xerxes. Leonidas gathers an army of 300 Spartan warriors and sets out on a bloody campaign across Asia Minor. The stubborness and tenacity of his army tests Xerxes' patience, and challenges the will of Leonidas. Meanwhile, turncoats threaten the Spartan army at every turn. Back home in Sparta, even Queen Gorgo, the wife of Leonidas, must deal with skeptical politicians who wonder if the pride of Leonidas is getting the better of him.

Shot entirely within a studio on green-screen sets, 300 looks magnificent for a film. This is an instance in which I embrace any artificialty that the film exudes in it's practicality, due to the fact that the filmmakers made no secret about it being an artistic choice. Yes, it can be a little too glossy at times, but everything remains consistent, up until the very end. The acting is average, as one would expect. No one really knocks me out in this film with performances or characterizations. This is a movie you watch as an experience. 300 is style over substance at it's best, but it always manages to be entertaining, no matter what.


- Jon

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